Welcome from the Principal

Welcome To Iqra AcademyIqra240

IQRA Academy is an exciting and successful primary school providing an excellent standard of education. Our ethos is one of high expectations and mutual respect where each pupil knows they are valued and well cared for.

I, the leadership team, staff, iExel Education Trust, governors, parents and pupils share a passionate commitment in ensuring that the school makes a huge difference to children’s lives. We are dedicated to ensuring all our pupils succeed. We have the highest aspirations and expectations of all we do whether this is academic attainment, achievement, behaviour or learning. We work hard to ensure that every pupil develops academically, physically, socially and spiritually so that they are happy and safe. Knowledge is at the heart of our school. We strive to continually improve every aspect of our work and as a result we ask more of ourselves and more of our pupils and their families.

We have a broad and balanced knowledge-rich curriculum that ensures children develop curiosity and creativity with the ability to analyse the world around them and thus make a positive contribution to our society. This is grounded on what we know works well for our pupils whilst respecting subject disciplines. Our curriculum is enhanced through rich and diverse enrichment opportunities, so pupils can make links across their learning and enjoy new experiences.

IQRA Academy are a proud member of iExel Education Trust and the Manningham community of Bradford.

Our website provides all the information you will need to learn about life at Iqra Academy; our exciting curriculum, achievements, standards, safeguarding, and the many experiences and opportunities we provide for our children. If you require a paper copy of the information on the website, please contact the office (there will be no charge).

If you would like to visit the academy please do not hesitate to get in touch, I look forward to welcoming you in to school.

Andrea Ives


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