

IQRA Academy has a Nursery and can offer places to 52 children – 26 in the morning and 26 in the afternoon. Before children are admitted in to the Nursery (usually when they are three years old) the child and parents are invited for a visit. Booklets and information are given out on that day. All children should be fully toilet trained, be able to use cutlery and dress and undress themselves.


Children will be admitted to Reception classes at the beginning of the autumn term of the year when they are five. The LEA allocates admissions to Reception. Where the number of preferences for a school exceeds the number of places available, priority will be given to children in the following categories:

1. Children in public care (looked after children).

2. Sisters and brothers of children living at the same address who are currently on the school's roll and will still be attending at the time of admission (siblings).

3. Other children

When demand exceeds places in any of the above criteria, the distance between home and school, measured by a straight line, from the main entrance of the home to the main entrance of the school building, will be used to decide who is given a place; those living nearest being given the available places. Admissions to Years One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six, the school has a planned admission limit agreed with the council. A class will be regarded as full when it reaches 30. Any parents requesting places in years 1 to 6 must put their request to the LEA. All in-year admissions to school will be managed by the LEA from September 2010.

Welcome to IQRA Guide

If your child is about to start at IQRA please read this brief guide. It explains who are the members of the staff, what are the academy uniform requirements and the daily timetable. It also contains useful information on basic subjects and school trips.

For the Admissions Policy, Appeals Timetable and Welcome to IQRA document click the links below: 

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admission Appeals Timetable (IA) September 2024 Intake

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Welcome to IQRA Guide 2024-25

Admission Pan

The PAN for 2024-25 was 90 for Reception admissions.

Oversubscription Criteria

The Admission Policy, which details this information, is available to view and download from the link above. (See Section 6. Oversubscription Criteria.)

In-year Applications

The Admission Policy, which details this information is available to view and download from the link above. (See Section 10. In-Year Admissions.)