The curriculum at IQRA Academy is committed to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2, subjects are taught discretely, as individual subjects, but we do make cross curricular links that enable children to apply knowledge and skills in other areas.
At IQRA we consider the extent to which we are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Central to this are the key academic, personal and vocational skills which prepare them for the next stage of their lives. It is also important that we invest in their cultural capital – our school values and the essential knowledge that our children need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Our intention is that our pupils will become proactive in their efforts to learn because they will become aware of their strengths and what they need to do to improve. The pupils will be provided with guidance by individual set goals and task related strategies, such as using arithmetic addition to check the accuracy of solutions to subtraction problems.
We are focused on the importance of reading and writing so that the pupils become fluent communicators and keen action researchers across all subjects. We support children in developing mathematical and scientific skills, to increase their capacity to hypothesise, investigate, evaluate, and deepen their prior knowledge.
Pupils will learn good habits of work; they will develop their intellectual, moral and spiritual skills to emerge as well-educated, responsible and global citizens ready for their next steps in education and future careers.
The curriculum is designed with the consideration of the needs of all learners while taking into account the local context and our diverse community. The curriculum is challenging and rigorous to ensure that it engages all learners. We are also committed to promoting equality amongst our pupils in our curriculum and to create a positive environment in which all students, regardless of background, are able to make best use of their skills and education, free from barriers, discrimination or harassment. For further information regarding our aims in relation to equalities and SEND. Please click here to see our Policies.
Our expectations for our pupils is limitless. Our core purpose is to ensure all pupils achieve the highest standards in all aspects of the curriculum, leaving this school with high levels of attainment and having the confidence to further develop independent learning.
Members of the public and parents can find out more about the Curriculum by contacting the school office.
To find information about our phonics and reading scheme please follow the link below:Phonics Information
Scenarios where IQRA academy will consider the use of remote learning are:
In some exceptional cases, these circumstances might also include pupils whose attendance has been affected by a special educational need or disability (SEND) or a mental health issue. In this case and after the pupil’s absence from school has been established, we will consider providing pupils with remote education on a case-by-case basis. This will be part of a plan to reintegrate the child back into school, and only when it is judged that providing remote education would not adversely affect the pupil’s return to school.
Provision of remote education is a short-term solution allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers.
Our remote learning platform is Microsoft Teams but we will also adapt resources based on the needs of individual children so that they receive education matched to their need. Access instructions and support will be provided as needed. Families without access to suitable hardware will be loaned equipment, in the case of whole school closure families in receipt of free school meals