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Every child should be a confident mathematician. Our aim at IQRA is to unlock mathematical fluency. We teach for mastery in maths and aim for every pupil to improve their knowledge whilst enjoying maths. We aim to engage pupils by catering for all learning styles with a mixture of hands on tasks, tasks designed to consolidate understanding and activities designed to allow for collaboration and discussion. The key principles of the maths curriculum are mental strategies, fluency, variation and problem solving and reasoning. 


The best ways for you to support your child at home in maths is to help them learn their multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. 

  • In Year One, pupils need to practise counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 forwards and backwards. 
  • In Year Two, pupils need to learn the facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 
  • In Year Three, pupils need to learn the facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables 
  • By the end of Year Four they should be able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. 

Children are using TT Rockstars in their classrooms this year and can also access this on-line learning site at home. 

Parents click here to see a useful guide about Rockstars: A Parent and Carers Guide to TT Rockstars

Below are the Long Term Plans for Maths for each year Year Group.

Maths LTP Nursery

Maths LTP Reception

Maths LTP Year One

Maths LTP Year Two

Maths LTP Year Three

Maths LTP Year Four

Maths LTP Year Five

Maths LTP Year Six

A Parent’s Guide to TT Rockstars


You can also support your child by pointing out the opportunities to use maths in everyday life such as adding amounts of money and calculating change when you go shopping, reading bus and train times tables and weighing and measuring ingredients whilst you are cooking. 

As a school, we use White Rose Math hub scheme to support children. This provider also have a large bank of resources you can also use at home which mirror the work we do in school. The following links will direct you to some of their resources.  

Downloadable pupil workbooks  

Home learning teaching videos.  

Here are some additional links for fun ways to practice mathematics: 

Interactive Maths games and Activities 

Maths Chase 

Prodigy Maths 


BBC Bitesize