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At IQRA Academy, creativity and progression are at the forefront of our Art and Design curriculum.

We aim to teach children lifelong artistic skills which can be applied to many works of art. Within lessons, children learn and strengthen knowledge in all strands: drawing, painting, collage, textiles, printmaking, sculpture and artist studies. They have the opportunity to explore a range of media and develop their vocabulary through continuous reflection of their ever-evolving knowledge. Evaluations are integral to this process as they equip our children with high standards.

Children are exposed to artists, architects, designers and craftspeople from a range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. This allows them to appreciate a variety of art around the world and take inspiration from their styles. All year groups are lucky enough to work closely with an artist who helps to nurture and develop their skills through exciting art days.

Around school, we celebrate the progression demonstrated in the incredible artwork created by our budding little artists, resulting in a shared love and passion for the subject.

Art LTP and Progression


Here at IQRA Academy Primary School, we follow a thematic approach to learning, which inspires pupil’s curiosity and fascination. At IQRA Academy we believe Design and Technology is a subject that encourages children to think creatively, work as a team, and solve practical problems. Through a process of research, planning, making, and evaluating. Children can apply their learning to solve meaningful real-world problems.

A core principle of curriculum design is for it to be developmental. We aim for our curriculum to reinforce prior learning and increase cognitive complexity. This means it should widen out as the child moves through the school, revisiting concepts in greater depth.

DT LTP and Progression


At IQRA Academy, our teaching and learning in Geography follows the National Programmes of Study.

Geography allows children to develop their understanding about the world around them and teaches them to ask questions and develop empathy for our changing world. They will understand what our impact on the world has been, how we use the land and the difference we can make at this crucial time for our planet. We teach them about their local area and the wider world and give them the knowledge they need to become individuals who care about their planet. We provide the children with the skills and knowledge they require to use different forms of maps, which will be useful in later life. Our aim is for them to become creative, enthusiastic geographers who will impact and look after our world.

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Geography LTP and Progression


At IQRA Academy, our teaching and learning in History follows the National Programmes of Study.

The History Curriculum intends to provide children with the necessary knowledge to be able to place British eras and events in chronological order. It is also the intent to develop the children’s understanding of the influence that significant people and events have had on life today, including that of the wider world. In addition, the school aims to provide the children with different primary and secondary sources so that they can learn how to use them successfully to enhance their learning. The History Curriculum will also teach the children how to effectively carry out research and ask relevant questions to find out more information about the past. We want the children to think like Historians and develop a love for the subject. 

History LTP and Progression


At IQRA Academy, we prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills for an ever-changing digital world. We understand that the use of technology is of increasing importance for children’s future: both at home and for employment.

Our Computing curriculum focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using technology. We provide the children with opportunities to use technology creatively across the curriculum to enhance and enrich their school experiences. Within school, we follow and teach the ‘SMART’ rules in all lessons that include the use of technology to ensure the children are aware and understand how to stay safe and report any issues within the digital world.

Computing LTP and Progression


At IQRA Academy we enable our children to express themselves through music as well as preparing them for the future, by providing them with skills and knowledge embedded through a rich curriculum. Our children learn about the history of music as well as its structure, learning to appreciate music and developing confidence to sing and explore different instruments. We promote curiosity, appreciation and enthusiasm for music which allows our children to be creative, attentive individuals.

Music Curriculum, LTP and Progression


At Iqra Academy pupil's personal, social and health education is a fundamental part of the curriculum.  It is based on three themes which are taught through an integrated approach.  Meaningful links have been made between each of these themes and other curriculum areas to provide purpose and context for our pupils.  They aim to instil the knowledge and skills needed for our pupils to stay healthy and be prepared for the next stage of their education and later life in modern Britain.

The three themes are:

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Relationships

  • Living in the wider world

To ensure that all aspects of Relationships and Health Education and PSHE are delivered in an age-appropriate way, we follow guidance from the PSHE Association, and this can be found below.

Programme of Study for PSHE Education. Key Stages 1-2

Our academy consulted with parents, children and other stakeholders when developing our Relationships and Health Education Policy and this can be found on our policies page.

PSHE Progression Theme One

PSHE Progression Theme Two

PSHE Progression Theme Three


We value the importance of Physical Education at IQRA Academy and aim to broaden the curriculum to develop every child’s potential to succeed and enjoy an active lifestyle.

To ensure our lessons are effective and provide the right amount of challenge, all of our lessons in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two are led by two qualified sports coaches.

All children in Key Stage One and Two have 2 hours of PE each week, whatever the weather! If the weather is wet, we have two spacious halls and for the older children we use Manningham sports centre. The Key Stage Two playground also has an outdoor gym, climbing frame and a MUGA football pitch for the children to use during their play times. Key Stage One has lots of interactive activities around their playground and has our older children (Playground Pals and Sports Leaders) running small games for them to keep active at lunchtime.

At IQRA Academy, we like to provide children with new, adventurous activities through our PE curriculum. This year KS2 will participate in a variety of activities including trampolining, archery, cycling, climbing and swimming.

In addition to these PE sessions, we also offer our children the chance to be competitive in physical activity. The school takes part in a variety of both non-competitive and competitive sports each year with schools across the district through Bradford West School Games and other organisations. Our pupils have always achieved excellent results in all competitions and have most recently won the Bradford Police Football Trophy Tournament.

Year 6 swimming information 2023-24:

1. Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 90%

2. Use a range of strokes effectively: 90%

3. Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: 90%



The RE Curriculum at IQRA Academy aims to develop positive, tolerant, respectful and empathetic individuals who are prepared for future education, employment and as members of their local community and beyond.  By following the agreed Bradford syllabus, we provide pupils with a broad and balanced understanding of the six main religions.  The curriculum is designed to deepen pupils' knowledge and understanding whilst nurturing critical thinking skills through challenging questions on the meaning of life, different beliefs about God and the concepts of right and wrong.   

To support pupils' understanding of different religions, pupils are provided with the opportunity to visit places of worship such as the local mosque, church and synagogue where they can meet and engage with different religious leaders.  In school, pupils can explore and discuss a range of religious artefacts and learn about their significance for the different religions studied.  

Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire

RE Curriculum, LTP and Progression


At IQRA Academy, our teaching and learning in Science follows the National Programmes of Study.

Science allows children to develop their curiosity about the world around them and teaches the skills and methods of enquiry and investigation. At IQRA Academy, we aim to promote curiosity, and enthusiasm and nurture learning in Science; encouraging children to ask, find out, reflect on their learning, knowledge and understanding of scientific processes and concepts and answer scientific questions.

Please find below some useful links which can be accessed from home:

Space and Planets, NASA for Children

Science Encyclopaedia Britannica Kids

EYFS Science End Points

Year 1 Science End Points

Year 2 Science End Points

Year 3 Science End Points

Year 4 Science End Points

Year 5 Science End Points

Year 6 Science End Points


Spanish is not only the world's second-largest language it also improves one’s understanding of English and is a gateway to understanding other European languages. The younger children start learning a second language the easier it is to pick up and knowing a second language can be an invaluable life skill.

Spanish LTP and Progression